Privacy, one of the things that we often ignore in cyberspace. Whereas information about ourselves is vital that can be used by anyone who intends harm. Matter how small that information, can deliver "the devil" in the larger information and much more important for the life of the owner of facebook profile, including you. This is one small way to get information that can deliver light "the devil" in the privacy of a wild virtual world of the deepest ones.
Using a search engine such as, or any other search engines, hacking players only need to enter the following keywords;
site: / people surname name - "allinurl: name" "Here are some of" "friends:"
By replacing "firstname" and "name" with the name of the owner of the profile that you sucked his information & privacy.
For example, we take the name of Homer Simpsons dg following keywords:
site: / people homer simpsons "allinurl: simpson" "Here are some of" "friends:"
The result is; copy. Now you have the code above 2.
Edit name
have you insert a
Save Template. Preview your blog to ensure the display 3 columns you have successfully created.
Note, if the width of the first and second sidebar to narrow, then use the formula Modifying Page Width.
This is only the most simple examples contained information from anyone on facebook, even if their privacy settings are in default (recommended settings).
So how to deal with these privacy issues?
Previously, the looseness of your privacy security also depends on the privacy settings friends who connected with you. So, your own and your friends will be constrained by the privacy settings when connected to one another.
Here is how to overcome the problem this privacy security allowances:
1. Do not use facebook, if you are very very maintain your privacy.
2. Facebook existence of their own actions to blockade access to search engines like google, alexa, yahoo, etc in the gathering of data to the millions of facebook user profile.
3. Do not be friends / have a relationship with the user's privacy settings facebook is weak. See first, whether before you add / approve, his profile can be seen clearly? If so, then setting him weak. Tell him if you still want to have a relationship with him.
4. Do not select / tick the following options on facebook setting; settings -> privacy -> search the box "Public Search Listing". option set OFF, or not checked.
These tips I can from here. Simply to remind my friends of all, that social networking can be a very dangerous facilities for ourselves.
For our shared security, if you know the tricks of the hacking facebook the other security, please share here
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